Monday, February 21, 2011

Powerpoint: "How to make the first page"

We learnt that powerpoint is not really too hard to do. It is fast and effective. It is easy to write, add an image and then show it to people.
In this lesson I want you to make 4 different 'first pages' to your ppt. This will mean 4 topics, for example:
  • Australia
  • Burma (or your country/state)
  • An Australian animal ie, 'The Emu', 'The Kangaroo', 'The Echidna...'
Please look at the instructions in this slideshare.
I hope you can send me a copy to my email address. This is just a practice and I will help you all until you can do it.  -Perhaps you can help each other too. Thank you.

Powerpoint: "How to make the first page"
View more presentations from parrpakala.

(click on this link to show you) how to add an attached file in your email,

Go to 'compose mail, to Jane (write my email address),  attach a file - click, browse, (find the file) and click attach, then go back to mail'. This should be loading and looks like this:

Write in the text box,

Dear Jane, here is my ppt attached,
your name,
and click on SEND.

This is your homework for this week, 21/02/11

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