Saturday, March 5, 2011

More on presentations

In this example what Jane says - is an important opening to your topic. It tells the listener 3 things.

  1. It tells them what the topic is about.
  2. It tells them what you are going to say about your topic. (Is it political, environmental, social, economic, educational, historical?)
  3. It will interest them, and they will want to listen to more of what you have to say.

  • In this wallwisher you will be asked to add your "Introduction to your talk". (Click on 'Post a sticky'). We are nearly ready give some talks in class. I hope you are getting some information on your topic. Your one minute talk should be interesting to your audience. 

  • -you will need to give your topic a title page and some interesting facts about it. Please write your notes on paper, or in a word.doc or on your powerpoint. 
Your TALK, Your Presentation to the Class:
  • Have your talk and your powerpoint ready in two weeks time. I will not see you next Monday because it is a long weekend - a public holiday (Labour Day weekend).

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